- What is the difference between kenaf paper and recycled paper?
- Can kenaf be recycled?
- Why does kenaf paper cost more than wood based paper?
- Where is kenaf grown?
- Does kenaf paper meet the government requirements for recycled content?
- Is kenaf grown organically?
- Why does my printer seem reluctant to run kenaf paper?
- Are there high minimums?
- Can my printer run kenaf paper on their press?
- Is there a difference in quality between kenaf paper and wood paper?
A. Kenaf is a farm grown fiber. Paper can be recycled a limited amount of times.
It is not a closed system so new fibers must be added to the mix. We
that those fibers should be from a sustainable farm crop rather than a forest.
Kenaf offers a way to manufacture paper without relying on trees. Kenaf can be
mixed with wood-based paper in the recycling bin. With your support, eventually
all recycled fibers will originate from kenaf instead of forests.
A. Yes, it can be recycled with other papers. Since the fiber characteristics resemble
wood fibers, it can be mixed with tree-based papers in the recycling bin. For more information
see the paper "Recycling Kenaf-A Commercial Experience"
in the library section.
A. Because we are just getting started the additional cost is a result of producing a paper that is on the cutting edge of
sustainability. With your support now the prices of kenaf paper will become competitive with
wood based paper. Our goal is to make that happen sooner rather than later.
A. All over the world. Kenaf can grow almost anywhere a crop can be grown.
Kenaf likes hot weather, but certain varieties have produced good results as far
north as North Dakota.
A. Yes. Our Re:Vision line contains the government required minimum of 30% post consumer waste.
A. Kenaf provides mainstream farmers with a low/no input option for rotation with their
other crops. The value of dedicated organic land makes more sense for food products. Kenaf
grows fast so little or no herbicides are used. No insecticides are needed since we are
harvesting for fiber instead of grain or fruit.
A. Most printers will gladly satisfy a request to print on kenaf paper. Initial resistance
could be due to the printer being unfamiliar with kenaf paper. There are a few that had a bad
experience with early recycled papers. Some printers have incentives from big paper companies
to sell certain papers. Kenaf paper will run problem-free on any sheet or web press. There is
no need to order extra paper for make ready. If they are hesitant, we can provide print samples
or referrals. As a last resort, if they refuse to run kenaf paper, we can refer you to hundreds
of printers who will.
A. Parent sheets are packed in cartons of 1,000 or 1,200 sheets and we
sell in whole carton increments.
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A. Kenaf paper will run on any sheet or web press (or your office equipment) at least as well as any
tree based paper.
A. Yes, it performs just like any other high quality printing paper, but generally has better opacity
October 26, 2010 04:22 PM |